Tuesday, October 11, 2011



A lot of High Schoolers are having HOMECOMING this weekend!!!! Homecoming is an exciting time when you can dress up and dance with your friends and not have to worry about falling in love with a boy or that one, ackward prom slowdance. Many people's homecoming is themed; black and white, India, Mad Money, Halloween, and many more. But then their are those Homecomings where everyone chooses to dress up, in nice party dresses and heels. So why not dress up your doll for homecoming? I have a few things that you might enjoy considering along with a few tips to make your homecoming night on stardoll just as magical as your Homecoming dance.

Halloween Theme:

You may have already planned exactly what you want to wear to homecoming, but what about on stardoll. There are so many new stores that are open for a limited time as well as old stores who are selling 'halloween' Themed clothes that it is hard to tell what exactly you should wear. We only have a few cheap examples for you, because you shouldnt go out and spend a fortune for a few hours while ur not online. We know that all of you have creative minds, and we have already seen many people already ready for homecoming in crazy halloween themed costumes that they will wear once while they are away at homecoming and again for halloween. But this is for those last minute thinkers and those of you who may not want to go out and spend all your money.  You may even already have these pieces of clothing. Im sorry of they arent in stores anymore, these were clothes we pulled for my clothing suppliers closet.
peach ruffled dress, 25sd
What can you see yourself being in this? A rag doll maybe? Maybe even a traditional Swedish girl? When i first say this Dress i tossed it aside because its so....out there. i personally like more modern styles, and this is just not my style but now that we are planning for a Halloween Themed Party this fits the bill. If you tie your hair up into some starpoint pigtails, paint tiny lips red and make your cheeks nice and rosy and u could be a rag doll.

Mad Money Theme:
Sequin Draped Mini Dress, 8sd

Personally my Homecoming isnt for another year. I had no idea that there even was a 'Mad Money' Theme. i dont know, maybe that's just for Ghetto highschools like my friend's, but, in the spirit of things, i really do hope i get a 'Mad Money' Theme. This theme is for those of you how have a little diva inside of you.  Its the one time that you get to go to school in something maybe not so school aproppriate because it's mad money and how many billionares do u see with dresses down to their ankles? Anyway, just me stating a little bit of my mind there, lol. Any way the top dark blue one is for some of my more 'exotic' ones. I suggest you wear some sophies under this kind of dress if you are planning on wearing this in real life, because you don't want boys seeing something your *cough* "Under Clothes' and GOD FORBID your *cough cough* "business'. Thank god we dont have to worry about that on stardoll. But anyway, you want to put on lots of rings and neclaces, and have your hair all tied up in a bun or in some form looking 'Diva'.  i have put more examples below that may better fit your style. I didn;t have much time so i dont have the prices but anything like it will do. And of course, remember your personal style is always welcome!

If you tried any of these styles, or maybe did your own we want to see your pictures! You can also email us YOUR homecoming pictures or tell us what YOUR homecoming theme was. Just email us at blinkmagazinsd@gmail.com

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