Friday, October 14, 2011

25% off Huh?


It'ts that time again. When stores become '25%' off. We are still watching very closely to PPQ, which went '25% off' when we were bloggin on our previous blog, Focus Magazine. So now Rivieras doing it. WE wonder why things go 25% off. Is it possibly because they aren't getting enough cash flow? When PPQ went 1/4 off a few weeks ago, we were wondering if it was because the store was getting old and no one really wanted to buy those things anymore, because we already had all of that stuff. Then, they got brand new stuff which put or 'going out of business' theory to rest, which was a good thing. Does that mean we have a fresh Riviera in our future? What do u guys think? Why do you think they put things as 25% off? And how many of you actually went and shopped in Riviera because it was that much off?

The thing about it, is that they don't put everything on sale either:( What do you think of my idea. Instead of making things '25% off' for superstars, they should make it so that instead of having to pay sd you can pay sc. I think that would be the most fair way to run things. because they usually only do the 25% off when the store is really old. i mean i cant remember when Riviera was new.  Or when they added new stuff to it. So by now people are sick of it, but i know that some non superstar people would like to have some of these looks so if they really truly want to downgrade non superstars like they are left overs (which i dont believe in. I believe that all good things should be fore EVERYONE) that the non superstars should get the chance to buy this. That's thinking like a stardoll staff member. IF it was up to me, everyone could get every piece of clothing, maybe this blog will help make that possible for the future

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